The Club-owned boatyard offers secure winter storage of members’ boats with some undercover areas for mast storage and maintenance. The yard is served by power and water and offers extremely competitive non-VAT rates payable in advance.
The following storage rates currently apply for six-month periods :
- Vessels over 12 feet: £14/foot
- Dinghies up to 13 feet: £65.00
- Dinghies 14ft to 16 ft: £75.00
- Miscellaneous storage (masts, cradles etc) – ask
Boats requiring space over 12 feet wide will be subject to a surcharge
- Undercover storage +50% surcharge
- Monthly = 4 weekly: overstays charged pro rata
- Empty cradles and trailers- 40% of boat charge
- Tractors: £37.00 per 6 monthly periods.
- Stores and services by arrangement. Prices on application
All enquiries to boat yard manager Pat Tanner on 01206 302594 (during working/daylight hours) or email waterside@colneyachtclub.co.uk.
Private Floating Jetty
Our floating pontoon jetty provides clean, dry access to the creek at all but the lowest of spring tides. We provide launching trolleys for tenders and trollies to help loading your boats. Tenders should be kept clear of the jetty hammerhead at all but the lowest of tides; and clear of the launching ramp at all times. Outboard engines must be left in the down position (to avoid the risk of damaging other boats).
Fresh water is on tap at the end of the jetty on a 15 minute timer activated by a pay meter on the eastern end of the clubhouse wall facing the dinghy racks - £1 for 15 minutes.

Members' Dinghy Racks
There are a number of dinghy storage racks on the pontoon and at the side and behind the clubhouse. Members pay an annual fee to rent a rack space (£80) or for use of a mooring ring on the floating pontoon (£95). The fee incudes use of the oar store.
All dinghies must be insured by their owners, whether stored in the racks or temporarily moored alongside the pontoon.
Water taxi service (provided by the Harbour Office)
Bateman's Tower
Situated on Westmarsh Point at the entrance to Brightlingsea Creek, Bateman’s Tower is used exclusively by Colne Yacht Club for race officer duties for races on the River Colne and its estuary.
History of the Tower
It is a folly built in 1883 by wealthy local merchant John Bateman as a recuperation area for his daughter who was suffering from consumption. The roof of the folly was dismantled during the war so that the tower could be used as an observation post for the royal auxiliary observer corps.
Supported by Heritage Lottery, and using local craftsmen and suppliers, in 2004/2005 the roof was reinstated in its original form and the tower opened to the public in May 2005. It is now available for the public to visit on race days. The Colne Yacht Club managed the project through a small committee and match funded the process by volunteer labour and use of expertise from club members.